
The Transactions page is where users can view and manage all the transactions processed through the platform. This page provides a comprehensive list of transactions with essential details and actionable options.

Key Features


Work in the Right Environment

Make sure you're in Sandbox for testing and Production for real transactions.

Transaction List Overview

What You’ll See:

  • ID: Unique transaction identifier.
  • Payment Method: How the payment was made (e.g., Apple Pay).
  • Amount: The transaction amount in SAR.
  • Status: Whether the transaction was successful or not.
  • Date: When the transaction occurred.
  • Customer Info: Contact details of the customer

Quick Actions


You can view a step-by-step guide to processing a refund here


Be Prompt with Refunds

Always process refunds within the allowed timeframes to avoid issues.

Search & Filter

  • Use the Search Bar at the top to quickly find specific transactions.
  • Pagination: Control how many transactions you see on one page using the dropdown at the bottom.