Processing a Refund

Initiate the Refund:

Navigate to the Transactions page.

  1. Scroll to the right on the desired transaction to find the Refund button.
  2. Click Refund to open the refund confirmation window.

Refund Confirmation Window

The refund window will display the following transaction details

  • ID: The unique identifier of the transaction.
  • Created at: The date and time when the transaction was made.
  • Type: The payment method used (e.g., Apple Pay, VISA).
  • Amount: The total amount of the transaction.
  • Status: The current status of the transaction (e.g., Success, Partial Refunded).
  • Amwal Fee: The fee charged by Amwal for processing the transaction.
  • Amwal Fee VAT: The VAT applied to the Amwal fee.
  • Merchant Payout: The amount that was paid out to the merchant after fees.


Partial Refund Amount

If you are issuing a partial refund, enter the amount you wish to refund in this field.

Finalizing the Refund

  1. After reviewing the details, confirm that they are correct.
  2. If you are satisfied, click the REFUND button to process the refund.
  3. If you decide not to proceed, click CANCEL to exit the refund process.


Refund Limitations

Refunds must be processed within the allowed timeframes:

  • Mada Cards: Refunds must be completed within 30 days.
  • Other Cards: Refunds can be made within 60 days.